Jertr0n's Twitch Channel
Welcome to Jertr0n's stream! This page shows some basic info about the channel, including social links and chat commands. Currently playing Dark Souls 2.
Jertr0n's Streamed Games
List of Available Chat Commands
These commands can be used by people in chat to show various messages and interact with others in chat. Have fun, but please be respectful! Just click the icon to copy the command to paste into chat!
There are no commands with . Try clicking another letter, or Show All
Small, quick gas release from a valve
Louder version of toot
When someone hits the highest vibe number with !vibes
Command for mods to add an exclamation point command
Command for mods to edit an exclamation point command
!editcommand !unlettered U dumbass
Show the legendary liquor lahey smurf
Show a PS platinum trophy
Plays sound effect of prog saying "we gucci"
Plays sound effect of prog saying "we gucci". This command is a duplicate of !gucci
Shows how long you've been a follower of the channel you're on
Shows a random number from 0 - 100 as the user's vibes. Can also be used to check another user's vibes
!vibes @optional_username
Shows a prog level of vibes, aka low vibes
Gives a shoutout to a user. This is somewhat less flashy than its forward slash counterpart
Shows Jer's discord channel link
Classic Jay Ditto greeting
Get your mind out of the gutter! Or maybe don't....
From 6 to midnight
Polemical attack on a user
Used to show someone who has the highest vibes, 69%. Jer also has a running spreadsheet of the peak vibers
Shows Jer's confused Baldur's Gate 3 character
Shows kick's intro video
Shows joe's intro video
Shows joe's intro video. Duplicate of !joe. Jer set up this duplicate
Shows hak's intro video
Shows prog's intro video
Shows dyne's intro video
Plays big dirt nasty's intro audio from George Carlin
Gamble a set amount of skrilla points. Payout for winning is 5 times the gambled amount
!gamble 500, !gamble all
Checks your lovie dovie vibes with another user
!lovecheck @username
Adds skrilla points from "twitch" to a specified user
!addpoints @username <number_of_points>
Adds skrilla points from _your skrilla balance_ to a specified user
!give @username <number_of_points>
Wizebot command to show the current streamer's game information
Streambot command which shows some info of the game currently being played by the streamer
Command to remind Jer of a death, in case he forgot
Sends a message in chat to let people know you're lurking on a stream
Brings the lurk spirit back to a corporeal form
Jer died. Let him know there's always a next time
Jertr0n's Twitch Commands List
- !vibes
- Command: {} is {randnum.0-10}% chilling!
- !progvibes
- Command: {} is dummy thicc chillin at {randnum.0-5}%
- !ripp
You got it next time Jer!
Jertr0n's Twitch / (Forward Slash) Commands List
Users are able to see the list of these commands if they type a forward slash in the chat. Including them here for a complete reference to all commands.
[username] can be entered with an `@` symbol or just the text of their username.
[message] text should not be in quotes unless you're quoting something/someone.
- /announce
- /announceblue
- /announcegreen
- /announceorange
- /announcepurple
- /ban
- /unban
- /clear
- /deletepoll
- /emoteonly
- /emoeteonlyoff
- /endpoll
- /followers
- /followersoff
- /unmonitor [username]
- /monitor [username]
- /pin
- /poll
- /prediction
- /requests
- /unrestrict
- /shield
- /shieldoff
- /shoutout [username]
- /slow [duration]
- /subscribers
- /subscribersoff
- /timeout [username] [duration] [reason]
- /untimeout [username]
- /user [username]
- /user @jertr0n
- /user jertr0n
- /block [username]
- /unblock [username]
- /color [color]
- /gift [quantity]
- /help [command]
- /me [message]
- /mods
- /vips
- /vote [index]
- vote 0 shows a message if there is an active poll with this number.
If not, twitch will return: A poll is not currently active.
- vote 0 shows a message if there is an active poll with this number.